Leslie Siding detail.
Leslies Siding appears to have been something of an afterthought. The grade diagram indicates that the line through Cutting 11 was, initially, to continue on an upward 1 in 50 grade, level for 2 chains at a point about two thirds of the way through, commence a 1 in 61 down grade, cross an Occupation Crossing near the commencement of Bank 11, level for 2 chains about 5C later, and enter a 1 in 50 up grade 3C before leaving the grounds. However, these attributes were crossed out at some stage.
Instead, the grade in Cutting 11 at the entrance to the grounds was altered to a 1 in 439 up grade which continued through to the end of the grounds at 2M 64C. This may be related to why the siding was not initially listed. There are no attributes of any note within the grounds which covered a distance of 21C.
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