Down - Knowsley to Ingham

Image Gallery

Gallery of images between Knowsley and Ingham.

Grade: 2630_09

The line leaves the Knowsley Station Ground via Cutting 63 on a near level grade, enters Bank 67, crosses an unnamed watercourse via an 11 x 11' openings bridge, commences an up grade, crosses an Occupation Crossing, crosses a culvert, continues into Bank 66 where it crosses another culvert, enters Cutting 61, enters a 40C radius left curve, levels at the top ofthe cutting, commences a down grade, cuts a fence, crosses an unnamed and closed road (a road to the north, past a ballast reserve), continues to Bank 65 where it crosses an Occupation Crossing with a culvert each side, into Cutting 60, where the curve ends, followed by a surface formation, levelling into Bank 64, reaching the 17M point - 84M 1C 94L from Melbourne, calculated from diagram 3303_01.

Continuing on the level through Bank 64, the line cuts a fence, crosses an unnamed PCR Crossing with 13'6" gates, followed by a culvert, into Bank 63, commencing an up grade, crossing a culvert, running on a surface formation, entering a 200C radius right curve, entering Bank 62, the curve ends, the line crosses a culvert, to cutting 59, into Bank 61, crossing a culvert, runs through Cutting 58 on the level, to Bank 60, enters a 50C radius right curve, runs through a surface forming where it commences an up grade, into Bank 59, crosses an unnamed watercourse, the curve ends, it then crosses an Allotment Line, enters Cutting 57, and reaches the 16M point - 85M 1C 94L from Melbourne, calculated from diagram 3303_01.

Grade: 2630_08

The line tops the grade in cutting 57 and begins a descent, enters Bank 58, crosses a culvert, enters Cutting 56, crosses a culvert, enters Bank 56, crosses an unnamed watercourse via a 5 x 7' openings bridge, crosses an Allotment Line, enters very shallow cutting 55, runs along a surface forming into Bank 56, crosses a culvert, enters Bank 54, reaching 15M - 86M 1C 94L from Melbourne, calculated from diagram 3303_01.

The line continues on a surface forming on a slight down grade into low Bank 53, crossing a culvert, enters a 100C radius left curve, continues on a sequence of low banks and surface formations, the curve ends just before Bank 51, the line crosses a culvert preceding an unnamed road (Quarry Road) PCR Crossing with 13'6" gates, raised 1.94', followed by a fence, and a fence Allotment Line and enters what was the future Ingham Siding site.

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