Down - Kilmore to Willowmavin

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The line exits the Kilmore Station Ground on a down grade on Bank 38, crosses a culvert at the named Lancefield Road PCR Crossing with 18'6" gates, raised 7.34', with a fence on each side, crosses a 3' barrel culvert for an unnamed creek, enters a 100C radius left curve, enters Cutting 37 within which it crosses an unnamed and closed road, cuts a fence, crosses a culvert and an Occupation crossing with gates, and enters Bank 39, reaching the End of Contract point at a culvert. The distance needs to be sorted: Deviation ends at 9M 73C 83L and joins Original Line at 9M 75C 56L. End of Contract No. 2629 at 9M 75C 56L on Original Survey Local Mileage, 9M 73C 83L On Deviation Survey Local Mileage, 43M 10C 35L from Melbourne.

Grade: 3303_15

Contract No. 3303 connected Contract No. 2630 at Heathcote, with Contract No. 2629 at Kilmore. The first section to be opened was between Heathcote and Tooborac. However, these notes will continue towards North Bendigo.

Continuing on a down grade, the line cut 2 fences, a hedge and fence before crossing a culvert in Cutting 104 at the named Highgate Road PCR Crossing without gates, raised 1.28', with a fence on each side. This was followed by another fence at the entrance to Bank 140. The line then entered shallow Cutting 103, before the end of which it crossed an unnamed road PCR Crossing, raised 0.10'. There is a fence either side and a culvert on the Down side.

The line continues to Bank 139, crossing a culvert, cutting a fence, crossing an excavated channel via a 5 x 7' openngs bridge, entering a surface forming where it cuts another fence, entering low Bank 138, and a surface forming to the 11M point - 44M 14C 79L from Melbourne.

Next comes a hedge and fence that is diverted, followed by an unnamed road (Willowmavin Road) PCR Crossing with 18'6" gates, with a culvert, a hedge on the Down side and the line enters Bank 137. This is followed by a 16 x 15' openings bridge over the named Ryan's Creek, to Bank 136 and ebtering a 120C radius curve. A surface forming takes the line to Bank 135, over a 7 x 11' openings bridge over an unnamed creek, straightens, and crosses a culvert. The line commences an up grade, cuts a fence on entry to Cutting 102, followed by a culvert, an unnamed road (Mooney's Road) PCR Crossing without gates, with a stone fence and culvert on the down side.

The line exits the cutting to Bank 134, crossing a culvert, followed by a 3' barrel culvert at an unnamed creek, entering a 40C radius right curve, enters a surface forming and Cutting 101, to Bank 133 where it encounters a stone fence, a culvert, an unnamed road diversion (Campaspe Road) and PCR Crossing without gates, another culvert and a fence. Another culvert is crossed before straightening and arriving at the 12M point - 45M 14C 79L from Melbourne.

Grade: 3303_14

The line continues on a down grade along a surface forming to Cutting 100, to level grade Bank 132, crossing an unnamed watercourse via a 3 x 15' openings bridge, to a very short Bank 131, crossing a culvert, crosses a fence and cuts a fence at unnamed road (Campaspe Road, Willowmavin road diverted to provide station access) PCR Crossing with 18'6" gates, raised 2.46', before commencing a down grade into Cutting 99, entering Willowmavin Station Ground.

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