Moranding 1554 Detail

Located at 49M 65C 31L

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Unlike many stations, Moranding Station did not have an access crossing at each end. Access was only provided from the north, or Down end. The old station site is now private property, on the south side of the intersection of the Forbes-Moranding Road and Kurkuruc Court.

Weekly Notice entries for Moranding.

March, 1902 - Provided Staff Locks to main running line points. The Key is Train Staff for section.

August, 1906 - The Up and Down Home Signals are removed.

December, 1925 - The station is reduced to No-one-in-Charge.

December, 1941 - The passenger and mixed train service is withdrawn from the whole of the Wallan-Bendigo Line.

March, 1942 - The passenger train service is re-instated between Wallan and Heathcote.

October, 1956 - Moranding is closed as a station. It becomes Rail Motor Stopping Place 19 (RMSP 19).

June, 1965 - Final closure.

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