From Rail to Trail

A history of the Wandong, Heathcote and Sandhurst railway line and its rail trail.

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Rail Options:
Line to North Bendigo
Line to Wandong
Locations - Down
Locations - Up

O'Keefe Rail Trail Options:
Heathcote to Bendigo
Bendigo to Heathcote

Other Options:
Napthali Ingham
The Author

Distance: Early rail distance measurements are recorded in miles, chains and links. There are 80 chains per mile and 100 links per chain. A mile is approximately 1.61 kilometres, a chain is approximately 20.12 metres and a link is approximately 200mm. Various Railway Departments used their own references but Marker Post references are generally taken as relative to the Southern edge of Collins Street a location close to Spencer Street Station which is now called Southern Cross.

Direction: The travelling direction to Melbourne is the Up direction. The Up side of the line, or the Up rail, is the left side or rail when travelling in the Up direction. Conversely, the travelling direction away from Melbourne is the Down direction. The Down side of the line, or the Down rail, is the left side or rail when travelling in the Down direction.

Heathcote Junction.

Heathcote Junction. The line of interest branches at the left. Image supplied by David Watson.

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